3 days
Early Mar to late Nov
Plan your visit carefully and allow plenty of time for your activities in the park. Always check the latest weather information, and avoid overexerting yourself if you feel unwell.


Living With the Natural Riches of a Volcanic Landscape

Unzen-Amakusa National Park combines the volcanic landscape of Mount Unzen and the archipelagic region of Amakusa. Learn how the community lives in harmony with the environment through sustainable activities and nature conservation.

Itinerary Highlights

  • Working with the local community to conserve valuable natural resources.

  • Harvesting organic vegetables and learning about sustainable farming.

  • Kayaking to uninhabited islands.

Trip Overview

Help to conserve the natural beauty of Oku-Unzen
Try sustainable farming and crafts
Explore the Amakusa archipelago by sea
Day 1

Help to conserve the natural beauty of Oku-Unzen

The volcanic activity that powers Unzen’s hot springs also nurtures the unique flora and fauna of the area. Since the late sixteenth century, residents have worked to conserve the native Miyama Kirishima azaleas that bloom in the Oku-Unzen area. Travel by car from Nagasaki to Tashirobaru in northern Unzen to contribute to vital conservation efforts by helping cut back the undergrowth so the azaleas can continue to thrive. Break for a hearty lunch, then participate in an optional zazen meditation session.

In the afternoon, drive to Taneto, an organic store in the town of Chijiwa. The store promotes sustainable shopping, and you can buy fresh organic produce from local farmers, second-hand books, and pottery. End the day at Unzen Onsen, a hot springs town that has been popular since the early twentieth century. Accommodations range from traditional Japanese inns to modern luxury hotels. Enjoy bathing in the hot spring waters, try local dishes, and rest well for the next day’s activities.

Day 2

Try sustainable farming and crafts

Take an early morning walk around the Unzen Jigoku hot spring fields at the foot of Mount Unzen, an active volcano at the center of the Shimabara Peninsula. Jigoku means “hell,” and the barren rocks and sulfuric steam plumes conjure images of a hellish inferno.

Explore the natural beauty of the Shimabara Peninsula, where tens of thousands of years of volcanic activity have created fertile farmland. Experience the connection between the environment and the local culture by harvesting vegetables and joining a dyeing experience using local plants.

Travel by car to Unzen Tsumura Farm to learn about sustainable farming and help harvest seasonal crops grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Enjoy the vivid colors and rich flavors of organic vegetables. After lunch, drive to Suwanoike Pond, a dam lake with views of Mount Fugen. A variety of plants, insects, and birds inhabit its placid waters, and the Unzen Suwanoike Visitor Center has displays on the area’s ecology. Join a workshop to dye fabrics using plants gathered from around the pond.

After a day of experiencing the area’s sustainable practices, drive to Kuchinotsu Port near the tip of the Shimabara Peninsula. From here you can take a ferry to Shimoshima, the largest of around 120 islands in the Amakusa archipelago. Stay overnight in Amakusa to explore the area.

Day 3

Explore the Amakusa archipelago by sea

Make an early start to join a sea kayaking tour around the Amakusa Islands. On a half-day Amakusa Island Kayak Tour, you can paddle around uninhabited islands with exposed ancient stone strata and otherwise unreachable secret coves. The view of Mount Unzen from sea level is particularly impressive. Help conserve the beautiful marine environment by collecting trash that has washed up on the shore. After lunch, stroll along Amakusa’s beaches, join a dolphin-watching cruise, or drive to Kumamoto City.

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