Shikotsu-Toya National Park

Toya Takarada Nature Experience House

An experiential learning center where exhibits, classes, and nature walks bring you closer to Lake Toya's flora and fauna

Learn about the natural environment around Lake Toya at the Toya Takarada Nature Experience House. The facility features exhibits that introduce local flora and fauna and a topographic diorama of Lake Toya's terrain.

In one area of the visitor center, you can observe a pond biotope—a biological community found in a single habitat—with information placards about the water and plant organisms that live there. Visitors can also take a short walk on the wooded nature trail from Yuhinomierunagisa Park near the visitor center to the mouth of the Sobetsu River.

The Toya Takarada Nature Experience House offers a wide variety of daily classes and activities. You can join a craft class to create your own pencils from wood found in the area or take a culinary class that uses locally harvested ingredients. The center hosts guided walks on which visitors can enjoy the forest environment. You do not need to apply in advance to participate in these programs, but they may require a small fee.

visitor center  
Open 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Closed Mondays, New Year's holidays
Cost Free of charge
Foreign Languages Multilingual pamphlets available
Wi-Fi Yes
Address Takarada 2-2, Toyako Town, Abuta County, Hokkaido
Phone (+81) 0142-82-5999
Website (JP)

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