4.6 km
2 h30min

Mount Kintoki Hiking Trail

Enjoy spectacular views of Mount Fuji and learn about the Kintaro legend on this popular mountain trail suitable for all levels of hiker.

Mount Kintoki is famous for the legend of Sakata Kintoki (Kintaro)—a warrior of superhuman strength who was raised by a witch on the slopes of the mountain. The trail starts at the Kintoki-jinja-iriguchi bus stop. There are also car parks at this location. After a few minutes' walk the trail leads to Kintoki-jinja Shrine, where you can see a giant axe similar to the one Kintaro is said to have used in the Kintaro folk story. From here, the trail gets steeper and leads up to the summit of Mount Kintoki, 1,212 meters above sea level. There are two tea houses at the summit where you can get refreshments and take a few moments to enjoy the panoramic views of Mount Fuji and Owakudani Valley. The trail then leads down through the Yagurasawa Pass, finishing at the Kintoki-tozanguchi bus stop.

Trail Map

Mount Kintoki Hiking Trail

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