Plants & Animals

Amamigunto National Park

The forests of the Amami Islands primarily consist of subtropical evergreen and broadleaf trees, such as the itajii and flying spider monkey tree ferns. The islands also shelter many endemic species of lilies, orchids and azaleas, including Tokunoshima ebine.

The area is incredibly biodiverse, home to creatures such as the Amami rabbit, Amami spiny rat, Amami Ishikawa's frog, Amami thrush, and the banded ground gecko. The seas around the islands are filled with around 220 species of coral, and attract a variety of marine life.


Flying Spider Monkey Tree Fern

The flying spider monkey tree fern (Cyathea lepifera) is a large evergreen tree fern found in various parts of Asia. On Amami Oshima Island, you can see it in the Kinsakubaru National Forest. It can grow over 5 meters high, and its stems are rich in starch and edible.

Flying spider monkey tree fern

Tokunoshima Ebine

Tokunoshima ebine (Calanthe tokunoshimensis) is a species of wild orchid endemic to Tokunoshima Island. It grows in forests and blooms in winter.

Tokunoshima ebine


Banded Ground Geko

The banded ground geko (Goniurosaurus splendens) is endemic to Tokunoshima Island. These nocturnal creatures typically measure about 15 centimeters long and have white stripes from their necks to their tails. The banded ground geko is designated a Kagoshima Natural Monument. 

The banded ground geko (Goniurosaurus splendens)

Amami Ishikawa's Frog

The Amami Ishikawa's frog (Odorrana splendida) is found only on Amami-Oshima Island. It is bright green with gold spots. You'll hear this frog's birdlike call near mountain streams at night during breeding season, which is from January to May.

Amami Ishikawa's frog

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